We believe in the long-term value of “teaching a person to fish.” We also see that, sometimes, a person needs someone to give them a fish while they’re still learning.
The Financial Freedom Fund fills that role. It works like this:
- AOF deposits funds at the client’s bank or credit union
- The bank/credit union grants the client a low-rate loan secured by AOF’s deposit. Underwriting is limited because the loan is secured by cash.
- The loan proceeds are used to pay off predatory debt
- The client then has extra monthly cash flow available for necessities.
*The Financial Freedom Fund is available only to clients who have demonstrated they are committed to improving their financial health and are engaged in the PCFC process.
Eligibility to participate in the Financial Freedom Fund is not determined based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, military service status, source of income, or any other characteristic prohibited by law.